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Spacer Column

The Spacer Column component lets you add a space between content components in your page footer. You can define the width of the spacer column for both desktop and tablet displays.

You can only add Spacer Column components to your page footers, located under the Global Node.

Add a spacer column

To add a spacer column between components in your global page footer, you need to:

  1. Navigate to the Global node in the 'Content' tab in the Govstack back office
  2. Select the 'Footer' option
  3. Select the 'Add content' button under the 'Footer items' area of the page 'Content' tab
  4. This will open the 'Add content' slide-out panel
  5. From here, select the 'Spacer Column' component
  6. Use the slider next to 'Desktop column width' to choose how wide you want the spacer column to be on desktop displays
  7. Use the slider next to 'Tablet column width' to choose how wide you want the spacer column to be on tablet displays
  8. Select 'Create' to add the spacer column

The Spacer Column component will now appear at the bottom of the list of your other footer components. Click and drag the Spacer Column component to place it between the content components that you want to separate with a space.

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