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Publish, Preview and Delete a Page

With the Govstack content management system (CMS), after adding and editing your page, learn how you can easily:

  • Preview a page
  • Save and publish a page
  • Schedule the publishing of a page
  • Publish your page with descendants (child pages)
  • Unpublish or delete a page

Preview a page

Before publishing a page to the live website, you may want to preview the page to make sure everything looks the way you'd like. To do this, select the 'Save and preview' option located at the bottom of any page you are working on. 

This will open the page in a new window and it will appear the way the public will see the page on the live website. From the preview screen, you can select the 'Fit browser' option located in the toolbar at the bottom of the screen to see how the page will look on the following devices:

  • Desktop
  • Laptop
  • Tablet portrait
  • Tablet landscape
  • Smartphone portrait
  • Smartphone landscape

As the majority of users will access your website from a mobile device, we encourage you to always preview the smartphone view options.

Save and publish a page

You can save an existing page that you are working on by selecting 'Save' in the bottom right of your page's menu in the Govstack back office

To publish your page, select 'Save and publish'. This will immediately publish any updates to the live website.

You can choose to schedule when your page goes live or when to unpublish a page by selecting the arrow beside 'Save and publish' and clicking 'Schedule'. You can select the date and time for when your page is published and unpublished.

To help save time, you can publish an entire section of the website at once by publishing a page with all pages that appear under that page in your website menu. To do this:

  1. Select the arrow beside 'Save and publish'
  2. Choose 'Publish with descendants' from the options available

This will publish the page you selected, as well as all descending pages that are listed underneath that page node.

If you have any pages that use Reusable Components, ensure that the Reusable Components' source content, found in the Global node, is also published. Publishing a page with reusable components will not publish that component's content unless the source content is also published in the Global node.

Unpublish a page

To unpublish a page, navigate to your page's menu in the Govstack back office and select the arrow next to the 'Save and publish' button in the bottom right corner. Select 'Unpublish' and 'Unpublish' again when the dialog box prompts you. 

Unpublishing a page will remove that page and all descendant (child) pages from public view on your site. Govstack will advise which pages are affected.

Unpublishing a page will also impact/break any links that direct to that page, so be sure you check your website and remove any links that previously led to that page.

Delete a page

To permanently delete a page, navigate to your page menu in the Govstack back office, and select 'Actions' in the top right menu. Select 'Delete' and 'OK' when promoted in the slide-out menu. This will delete the page from your left-hand content tree and it will move to the 'Recycling Bin." From there you can either recover the page or delete the page. This will delete the page permanently.

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