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Add a News Post

You can create an individual news posts within the Govstack content management system (CMS) and assign it to one or more established News Categories.  

Create a news post

To create a news post, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to and expand your 'News' node in the left-hand tree menu under the 'Content' tab of Govstack's back office
  2. Select 'Posts'
  3. Select 'Create News Post'

This will add a new news post to your website. You are now ready to write the content for the post, assign any news categories or authors and configure the settings. When you are satisfied with your News Post, select 'Save and publish'.

Your news post must have a Summary heading and text description, at minimum, for it to appear in a news feed category.

Under the 'Settings' tab, enter the following details:

  1. In the "Enter a name...' field, add the name of the post
  2. In the 'Post date' field, enter the date you would like associated with your news post. This date will allow your news post to fit chronologically with your other posts (so you may set the date before or after previous posts). This date does not allow you to schedule your post to publish in the future. 
  3. Enter one or more News Categories you would like to associate with your post by selecting 'Add', then selecting one or multiple categories from the slide-out panel. Select 'Submit' when you are finished.
  4. Enter the Author(s) of the post by selecting 'Add' in the 'Author' field. You may select more than one author for a single post. Select your Author(s) in the slide-out panel that appears and select 'Submit' when you are finished.
  5. Select the 'Disable comments' toggle if you would like to disable comments for the post (this is only relevant if you have a 'Disqus' account set up and you have added your username on your News Category). 
  6. Select the 'Send Subscriber Notification' toggle if you would like to send an automated email notification to anyone who subscribes to the news category associated with this post
  7. Enter an optional custom message that will appear at the beginning of the email notification sent to subscribers.

Under the 'Summary' tab, enter the information you would like to appear with this News Post when previewed in a News Feed or on the News Category listing. For example, you can:

  1. Enter the title of your news post in the 'Heading' field 
  2. Enter a secondary heading in the 'Secondary heading' field if applicable
  3. Enter the preview text/description for your news post in the 'Text' field
  4. Add an image that will appear beside the News Post when it appears in News Category listing or News Feed

To add content to your news post, select the 'Content' tab located at the top. From here you can add content the same way you would add content to a standard web page. 

Select the 'Add content' button to get access to all of the content components so you can customize the look and feel of the news post.

You can also add any considerations and information under the 'Extra Content', 'Navigation', 'SEO and Share' and 'Advanced' tabs. Options are the same as when building a regular web page

Schedule a news post

If you would like to schedule your news post to publish at a later date, follow these steps:

  1. Select the arrow beside 'Save and publish' when editing your news post
  2. Select 'Schedule', then select 'Set date' under 'Publish'
  3. Choose the date and time you'd like to publish the post
  4. You can also set your News Post to be unpublished at a future date and time.
  5. Select 'Schedule' when finished
  6. Select 'Save and publish' to complete the process

Edit an existing news post

To edit an existing news post, navigate to the news post you'd like to edit and select the name of the news post. This will open the news post details. When you are satisfied with your edits, select 'Save and publish'.

If you would like, you can change the post date after making edits so that it appears higher up in the news feed.

Unpublish a news post

To unpublish a news post, navigate to the news post you would like to unpublish in the Govstack CMS back office. Once the post is highlighted, select 'Unpublish' in the menu bar that appears above your news post. Select 'Unpublish' again when prompted.

Delete a news post

To delete a news post from the CMS, navigate to the post you'd like to delete in the Govstack CMS back office. Once the post is highlighted, select 'Delete' in the menu bar that appears above the news post. Select 'Yes, delete' when prompted to complete the process.


When unpublishing or deleting, make sure to double check that you are unpublishing the News post, and not the News node. Unpublishing the News node will lead to bulk email notifications for past news posts going to subscribers. 

You can learn more about controlling who has access to the News node on our Users and Permissions page.

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