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Add or Remove an Alert

Learn how you can add different types of Alerts to your website that members of the public will see when they first arrive. You can add Alerts to every page on your website, or only to specific pages.

Alert types 

There are two different styles of Alerts that you can add to your website:

  • A pop-up Alert appears in the middle of the screen and website visitors must view and dismiss the Alert before proceeding to the rest of the website
  • A banner Alert will display at the top of the page and website visitors can dismiss if they choose.

Add an Alert and define its settings

Find out how to add an alert to your website and define its settings. Once you're finished select the 'Save and publish' button to complete the process.

  1. Navigate to the 'Alerts' node, located in the left-hand tree menu under the 'Content' tab in your Govstack back office.
  2. Select 'Create Alerts Item'
  3. Enter the name of your Alert at the top of the page in the 'Enter a name...' field. This name identifies your Alert within the back office

Now you're ready to add content and configure the settings for the Alert.

Under the 'Content' tab for your Alert, you can:

  1. Enter the 'Alert Title' in the accompanying field. This main title will show up in large text at the top of the alert on the public-facing website
  2. If applicable, enter an 'Alert Optional Label'. This label will appear below your 'Alert Title' in a pop-up alert and beside it for banner alerts
  3. Enter your 'Alert Description' in the accompanying field. This is the body text for the alert
  4. If applicable, enter the 'Call to Action Text' that will appear in your Alert's Call to Action button. This option is only available for pop-up alerts
  5. If applicable, enter the 'Call to Action Link' for your Alert if you would like to direct members of the public to a page on your website or to an external website

Under the 'Settings' tab, you can:

  1. Choose your 'Alert Type' from the dropdown menu. You can choose between a 'Popup' or 'Banner' Alert
  2. Enter your 'Alert Style', which determines the Alert's type, icon colour (for pop-ups) and background colour (for banners). You can choose between "Info" (blue), "Success" (green), "Warning" (orange) and "Danger" (red).
  3. Enter your 'Alert Start Date' in the accompanying field by choosing the date and time you want your Alert to start displaying. The time function uses a 24-hour clock.
  4. Enter your 'Alert End Date' in the accompanying field if you wish to define a date and time for your Alert to be taken off the website. You can leave this field blank if you wish to leave your Alert up indefinitely.
  5. Choose which pages you would like your Alert to appear on by selecting 'Add' beside 'Alert Pages'.
  6. In the slide-out panel presented, choose the page you wish to display your Alert, then select 'Submit'

The Alert will display on that page and all descending (child) pages beneath it. If you wish to display your Alert across the whole website, leave this field empty (do not select any node).

Edit an existing Alert

To edit an existing Alert:

  1. Navigate to the Alert you'd like to edit in the Govstack CMS back office
  2. Select the name of the Alert. Make sure to click the name of the Alert and not the box around the name
  3. This will open the specific alert details and you'll be able to update the content, settings and advanced settings for that specific alert
  4. When you're happy with the edits, select 'Save and publish'

Unpublish an Alert

To unpublish (or remove) an Alert from the public website, you need to:

  1. Navigate to the Alert you'd like to unpublish in the Govstack CMS back office
  2. Select the Alert box you would like to unpublish
  3. Once the box is highlighted, select 'Unpublish' in the menu bar that appears above your Alerts
  4. Select 'Unpublish' again when prompted to complete the process

This will unpublish the Alert from the public website, but it will still be visible in the Govstack back office.

Delete an Alert

To delete an Alert permanently from the Govstack CMS:

  1. Navigate to the Alert you'd like to delete in the Govstack CMS back office
  2. Select the Alert box you would like to delete
  3. Once the Alert is highlighted, select 'Delete' in the menu bar that appears above your Alerts
  4. Select 'Yes, delete' to complete the process

This will remove the Alert from the public website and the Govstack back office.


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