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The Links component allows you to add a list of hyperlinks to your web page. You can link to:

  • A document saved in the Media tab
  • Another page on your website
  • External websites

You can also add hyperlinks when using the Text component.

Add a Links component

To add a Links component to a page, you need to:

  1. Navigate to the page you'd like to add a Links component to
  2. Select the 'Add content' button under the 'Main content' area of the page's 'Content' tab
  3. This will open the 'Add content' slide-out panel
  4. From here, select the 'Links' component
  5. This will open the 'Links' slide-out panel
  6. To add a link, select the 'Add Link' button next to the 'Link items' field
  7. This will open a 'Link' slide-out panel
  8. Select the 'Link' button to add a link

If you'd like to add multiple links, repeat steps 6 to 8 for each link you want to include in the list. Then, select the 'Create' button to complete the process. 

Complete the link details

Once you've selected the 'Link' button from the 'Link' slide-out panel, you'll have the option to create one of the following link types. 

Link settings

You can adjust the look and layout of the links through the settings tab. To access the link settings, select the 'Settings' tab located at the top of the 'Links' slide-out panel.

Review each of the links settings to learn more.

In the 'Name' field you can give a unique name to the Links component. This will make it easier to differentiate between component if you have multiple Links components on the same page. 

When working in the back office you'll see a list of all components on a page and the names will help differentiate between similar components.

In the 'Items per row' field, select how many links you'd like to display in a row. You can choose to one of the following options:

  • 4 per row
  • 3 per row
  • 2 per row
  • 1 per row

The option you choose will depend on how many links you're including as part of the Links component. You may want to preview and test a few different options, and select the one you like most. 

Select the 'Include link detail' toggle if you'd like to add some additional details about each link you're displaying. If you select this setting, you'll need to make sure that you've added text in the 'Optional additional text' box located in the 'Link' slide-out menu. 

You can customize the content colours of the links using the colours that are part of your website design. Depending on your website design, you can add a coloured background behind the Links component. 

Colour options

The colour options are based on the design of your website. You may be able to change the design colours depending on your Govstack plan. To get access to the website design features, speak with your GHD Digital Account Executive.

If you'd like, you can add an image to the background of the Links component. To do this, you need to:

  1. Select the '+ icon next to the 'Background image' field
  2. This will open the 'Media' folder
  3. From here, choose the folder that contains the image you'd like to add
  4. Select the image you'd like to insert
  5. Press the 'Select' button

Background image options

You can also set a few options for a background image, including the placement of the image, size of the image and whether or not the image repeats. We recommend testing out the different options until you find the one you like the best.

Please note

If you are adding an image behind text this can cause colour contrast issues. We would recommend not using a background image as this can cause accessibility issues and make it harder for users to read.

This setting only applies if you are using a page with a 'Full' page layout. Typically, full page layouts are reserved for the home page of your website or any landing pages you've created.

If you are adding the Links component to a page with a 'Full' page layout, select the width of the page you would like the links to cover.

You can add animation to the Links component by selecting the 'Animate' toggle. Once the 'Animate' toggle is selected, you'll have the option to customize the:

  • Animation style
  • Animation delay (seconds)
  • Animation duration (seconds)

Animation style

From the 'Animation style' dropdown menu, select the type of animation you'd like to add to the links. There are a variety of different animation options in the following categories:

  • Attention Seekers
  • Bouncing Entrances
  • Fading Entrances
  • Flippers
  • Light Speed
  • Rotating Entrances
  • Sliding Entrances
  • Zoom Entrances
  • Specials

We recommend testing out a variety of animation styles to select the one you like the most. 

Please note

Animation styles can cause accessibility issues for some users visiting your website. For example, some users may experience motion sickness when viewing animated elements on your website.

Animation delay

Using the 'Animation delay' slider, select the time in seconds that you'd like to delay the animation. 

Animation duration

You can select how long you'd like the animation to last by using the 'Animation duration' slider. Select the number of seconds you'd like the animation to continue on the public website. 

You can create an anchor link that will link a user to this specific part of the content page. If you'd like to create an anchor link to the Links component in the future, you can add a unique name in the 'Anchor name' field. 

In the 'Custom classes' field, you can add any custom CSS classes you may have. Custom CSS classes can be found in the Design node under the 'CSS' tab in the Govstack back office. 

Please note

Depending on your Govstack plan, you may not be able to access the Design node in the back office. If you'd like to be able to add custom CSS and get access to the website design, contact your GHD Digital Account Executive. 

You can select additional styles for the Links component, including:

  • Spacing
  • Visibility
  • Design


You can remove the spacing around the links by selecting one of the following options:

  • Remove spacing
  • Remove spacing top only
  • Remove spacing bottom only


You can customize the visibility of the links. Select one of the following options:

  • Hide on all screens
  • Hide on extra small screens
  • Hide on small screens
  • Hide on medium screens
  • Hide on large screens
  • Hide on extra large screens


Select one of the following options if you'd like to customize the design of the Links component:

  • Show shadows - this will add a shadow effect to the windows
  • Sticky - the data list will stay on the screen even as users scroll down the page

Turn on the 'Hide from website' toggle if you'd like to hide this component from the web page.

Link item settings

 You can also customize the settings for each link item within the Links component. To access the link item settings, follow these steps:

  1. Select the specific 'Link' button from the 'Link items' field within the 'Links' slide-out panel
  2. This will open the a new 'Link' slide-out panel for that specific link
  3. Select the 'Settings' tab located at the top of the 'Link' slide-out panel

Review each of the link item setting options

In the 'Name' field you can give a unique name to the link item. This will make it easier to differentiate between links if you add multiple links to the Links components. 

When working in the back office you'll see a list of all components on a page and the names will help differentiate between similar components.

In the 'Custom classes' field, you can add any custom CSS classes you may have. Custom CSS classes can be found in the Design node under the 'CSS' tab in the Govstack back office. 

If you'd like to add more than one custom class, you'll need to leave a space between each class. 

Please note

Depending on your Govstack plan, you may not be able to access the Design node in the back office. If you'd like to be able to add custom CSS and get access to the website design, contact your GHD Digital Account Executive. 

Turn on the 'Hide from website' toggle if you'd like to hide this component from the web page.

Test your links

Always test your hyperlinks to make sure they are working. Broken links are a leading cause of lost traffic on the web.

Preview and publish changes

Once you've added a Links component to your page, make sure to preview and publish the page to complete the process. 

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