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Password Reset Forms

Members need to log in using their member credentials to view password-protected content in your Govstack CMS. You need to set up two password reset forms in case they have forgotten their password and are unable to log in:

  • A password reset request form (i.e., a 'forgot password' form)
  • A password reset form, where they can create a new login password

Create a 'forgot password' form

If a member forgets their login password to access password-protected content, they can submit a password reset request. To set up a 'forgot password' form, you need to:

  1. Navigate to your Govstack CMS from the Govstack dashboard
  2. Under the 'Content' tab in the Govstack main menu, add a new page
  3. Enter a name for the page that members will see when they open the form (i.e., "Forgot Password", "Request a New Password", etc.)
  4. Select the 'Add content' button under the 'Main content' area of the page 'Content' tab
  5. This will open the 'Add content' slide-out panel
  6. From here, select the 'Form' component
  7. Next to 'Form type', select 'Reset Request'
  8. Next to 'Login form page', click 'Add'. Select the login form page that should point to this form in case members forget their password
  9. Next to 'Reset password page', click 'Add'.
  10. Select the password reset form page that this form should lead to after a member submits it
  11. Add an introduction and submission message, as well as a reset password email
  12. Click 'Submit' when you are finished
  13. Select 'Save and Publish' to activate the form

Create an introduction and submission message and password reset email

Adding a form introduction and submission message can help provide context for members and explain to them how to reset their password. The password reset email will point members to the password reset form.

Next to 'Introduction', add contextual instructions for the member. For example, the introductory text could read:

"Please enter the Username associated with your account and submit the form. You will be sent a password reset email if your account is found."

Next to 'Submissions message', enter the message you want to appear after the member successfully submits the form. For example, the submission message could read:

"If your account was found, you will receive an email containing a link to the 'Password reset' form."

After a member submits the password reset request form, they will receive an email linking them to the password reset form. Next to 'Reset password email", enter the email message you want members to receive after submitting this form.

You can use the following placeholders in the email text which will autofill according to the member's username and the 'Reset password page' link you added earlier:

  • "[NAME]" will add the member name associated with the reset request
  • "[RESETLINK]" will add the link to your 'Reset password' page

Example email message

For example, your email message could read:

Hi [NAME],

A password reset has been requested for your member account. If you did not make this request please ignore this email.

If you did make this request, please use the link below to change to your password.


Create a password reset form

Once a member has submitted a password reset request form, they will receive an email link to a form where they can reset their password. To create a password reset form, you need to:

  1. Navigate to your Govstack CMS from the Govstack dashboard
  2. Under the 'Content' tab in the Govstack main menu, add a new page
  3. Enter a name for the page that members will see when they open the form (i.e., "Reset Password")
  4. Select the 'Add content' button under the 'Main content' area of the page 'Content' tab
  5. This will open the 'Add content' slide-out panel
  6. From here, select the 'Form' component
  7. Next to 'Form type', select 'Reset Password'
  8. The form will simply contain fields for the member to create a new password, but you can also add a heading, subheading, introduction and button field if you want
  9. Next to 'Submission message', enter the message that you want to appear after a member has successfully reset their password (i.e., "Your password has been reset")
  10. Click 'Submit' when you are finished
  11. Select 'Save and Publish' to activate the form

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