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Replace a Document or Image

Warning: Deleting documents or images and uploading a new version of the file with the same name will result in broken links. Once a file is deleted it's relative URL is lost. Follow the instructions provided to avoid having to relink document files.

To replace a document or image in a media folder, you need to:

  1. Select the 'Media' tab from the Govstack main menu and locate the file to replace
  2. Click the name of the file you want to replace. This will open the file details. Do not select the file's thumbnail or icon
  3. Click on ‘Remove file(s)’ link below the article or image thumbnail
  4. From here, you can drag and drop a document file where it says 'Drag and drop your file(s) into the area'. Or, you can click where it says 'or click here to choose files' to browse your computer's folders to find the document
  5. Once you have added the document, click 'Save' to complete the process. This will replace the file throughout the website

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