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Add a CMS User

Learn how to add users to the Govstack CMS so that staff can create, edit and publish content to your website. Once you've added a new CMS user, you can assign their user permissions within the CMS.

Before you start

If you are a local client using a Govstack active directory for user management, you can assign a new user access to the CMS (and any other products you want them to have user access to) when you add them as a Govstack platform user. You can also make an existing platform user a CMS user.

If you are a client using your organization's active directory and IdP for user management, you will first need to make someone a platform user before you can make them a CMS user.

Make an existing platform user a CMS user

If there is a user that already has access to your Govstack platform but not the CMS, follow these steps to add them as a CMS user:

  1. Select your profile icon in the top right corner of your Govstack dashboard, and then select 'Manage Users'
  2. This will redirect you to the Admin Portal, where you will land on the 'Search Users' page
  3. From here, search for the user you want to add as a CMS user
  4. Click on the user line from the list of search results
  5. Under 'User Applications', select 'Provision New Application'
  6. From the dropdown, select the CMS product, then select 'Add Application'

The user will now also have user access to the CMS. Please note, only Govstack platform admin users can access the Admin Portal and assign new users to each product.

Remove a CMS user

You can remove a user from having user access to the CMS. To do this, you need to:

  1. Select your profile icon in the top right corner of your Govstack dashboard, and then select 'Manage Users'
  2. This will redirect you to the Admin Portal, where you will land on the 'Search Users' page
  3. From here, search for the user you want to remove as a CMS user
  4. Click on the user line from the list of search results
  5. Under 'User Applications', select the button for the CMS product
  6. Select 'Edit Application'
  7. Select 'Rejected' from the 'User Provision Status' dropdown
  8. Select 'Save Changes'

The user will no longer have user access to the CMS. Note that this will only remove the user from the CMS, but they will still be a platform user. Learn how to remove a user from the Govstack platform if they are leaving the organization or no longer require access.

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