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With the Govstack content management system, you can add a page summary to each content page on your website. The page summary provides an overall description of the information on the page and is used in multiple content components including:

Add a summary to your page

To add a Summary to your page, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the page in the Govstack backoffice
  2. Select the 'Summary' tab located at the top of the page
  3. Insert the page name in the 'Heading' field. This Heading will appear as the page's title when information is pulled and presented in other places on your website, so it is best to use the page name
  4. Insert a 'Secondary heading' in the next field if you have one for your page.
  5. Insert the Summary description in the 'Text' field
  6. Add a Summary 'Image' by selecting the '+' icon and searching for an image from your 'Media' folders.

Best practice for writing a page summary

Try to keep your summary descriptions the same length for each page. This will make it easier to format Subpage Listing components in the future.

How are page summaries used in Govstack?

Govstack's internal site search scans page summaries to find content that a user is looking for when using the in-site search. The page summary will display in the search results. To help users find the information they are looking for, it is best to include keywords in your page summaries.

If a third-party site search provider is used, such as Google Programmable Search Engine or Cludo, those providers will use the SEO & Share tab's "Title" and "Description" properties instead. Learn how to add a page title and description.

Page summaries are also used in various content components, such as Subpage Listings and Related Content sub-components within a Pod. These components will create clickable tiles on a content page that pull the page name and summary that you've written for each page.

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