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Rollback to Previous Version

In the Govstack content management system (CMS), you can rollback a page's contents to a version that was previously published within the last 90 days. With the page rollback feature, you can view and compare page versions with content edits presented in HTML.

Any information highlighted in green indicates the content will be added to the page. Content presented in red indicates any content that will be removed.

Rollback a page

To rollback a page to one of its previous versions, you need to:

  1. Select the page you would like to edit in the Govstack back office
  2. From the page's menu, select 'Info', located at the top right of the page's menu
  3. Scroll to the 'History' section on the 'Info' page to view a list of the different versions of the page that have been saved
  4. Select 'Rollback'
  5. This will take you to the 'Rollback' slide-out panel. From here, you can view a list of saved versions on the left side of the page under 'Versions'
  6. Select a previous version to bring up a preview of the page, showing the differences between the current version and the selected version. If you choose to rollback to this version, red text will be removed and green text will be added.
  7. You can choose to prevent a previous version's edits by selecting 'Prevent cleanup' alongside that version.
  8. Select 'Rollback'.

Your page has now been returned to the version you selected.

Save and publish the changes

Select 'Save and publish' when you are satisfied with your changes.

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