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CMS User Permission Groups

You can create user groups with defined permission levels in the Govstack CMS. Once you have created user groups, you can add users and assign them the permissions defined within a group.

You need to have access to the 'Users' tab in your Govstack dashboard in order to create user groups and add users to them.

Default user roles

When users are added to the Govstack platform, they will gain access to the Govstack CMS. The specific user type at the platform level will inform the permissions each user receives within the Govstack Content Management System (CMS).

There are two distinct user roles and permissions for the Govstack CMS. Explore each user type and find out what permissions they have.

Admin users have the following permissions in the Govstack CMS:

  • Access to the Content and Media tabs
  • Create content templates
  • Browse, create, publish, delete, unpublish and update all content pages
  • Set up notifications for content pages
  • Allow access to change permissions for a node
  • Allow access to send a page for approval before publishing

Anyone added as a Govstack platform User, will receive Editor permissions in the Govstack CMS. All Editors will have the following permissions:

  • Access to the Content and Media tabs
  • Create content templates
  • Browse, create, publish, delete, unpublish and update all content pages
  • Set up notifications for content pages
  • Copy, move and sort content pages in the back office

Create a user group

To create a user group with a defined set of permissions in your Govstack CMS, you need to:

  1. Navigate to the Govstack CMS from your Govstack dashboard
  2. Select the 'Users' tab from the Govstack main menu
  3. Select the 'Groups' tab next to 'User Management'
  4. Select 'Create Group'
  5. Enter a name for the user permission group
  6. Enter the permission details, including which sections of the CMS users in the group can access

View the details for setting different types of permissions in a user group.

You can choose which sections of the CMS you want the user group to have access to. This will determine which tabs users in that group can view and access at the top of their Govstack CMS main menu, including:

  • Content
  • Media
  • Users
  • Members
  • Translation

To select which sections the user group can access:

  1. Navigate to the 'Sections' heading under 'Assign access'
  2. Select 'Add'
  3. Select all the sections of the CMS you want the group to have access to
  4. Click 'Submit'

To remove a section so that the group can no longer access it, select 'Remove' next to the section name in the list.

You can limit which pages a user group can access from the left navigation menu of the 'Content' tab in the Govstack CMS back office. If you do not specify a start page, then users within the group will be able to access all the page sections in the left content navigation menu.

To limit which content pages the user group can access:

  1. Navigate to the 'Content start node' heading under 'Assign access'
  2. Select 'Add'
  3. Select the page you want users to be able to access (as well as all pages nested below that page)

You can select 'Remove' or 'Edit' next to the assigned page if you want to change which ones the user group can access.

You can limit which media folders a user group can access in the 'Media' tab of the Govstack CMS back office. If you do not specify any folder, then users within the group will be able to access all the media folders in the 'Media' tab.

To limit which media folders the user group can access:

  1. Navigate to the 'Media start node' heading under 'Assign access'
  2. Select 'Add'
  3. Select the folder you want users to be able to access

You can select 'Remove' or 'Edit' next to the assigned folder if you want to change which media folders the user group can access.

You can assign which admin permissions you want a user group to have within the CMS.

To do this, navigate to the 'Administration' heading under 'Default permissions'. Toggle on or off the administration capabilities you want the user group to have.

Culture and hostnames

If you turn on this toggle, users in the group will be able to control the language settings for each page in the CMS as well as the CMS domain names.

Restrict public access

If you turn on this toggle, users in the group will be able to set and change access restrictions for specific pages in the CMS.


If you turn on this toggle, users in the group will be able to roll back a page to a previous state.

You can assign which content page permissions you want a user group to have within the CMS. For example, you may want some users to be able to add content to a specific page, but not be able to publish the page.

To do this, navigate to the 'Content' heading under 'Default permissions'. Toggle on or off the content page capabilities you want the user group to have, including:

  • Browse Node - the ability to open and view a page's content in the CMS
  • Create Content Template - the ability to create a content page template
  • Delete - the ability to delete pages
  • Create - the ability to create pages
  • Notifications - the ability to set up notifications for pages
  • Publish - the ability to publish a page
  • Permissions - the ability to change permissions for a page
  • Send to Publish - the ability to send a page for approval before publishing
  • Unpublish - the ability to unpublish a page
  • Update - the ability to save changes to a page

You can assign which page structure permissions you want a user group to have within the CMS.

To do this, navigate to the 'Structure' heading under 'Default permissions'. Toggle on or off the page structure capabilities you want the user group to have, including:

  • Copy - the ability to copy a page
  • Move - the ability to move a page within the left navigation menu
  • Sort - the ability to change the order of the content under a page

You can set the administrative, content and structure permissions for specific pages in the CMS if you want them to differ from your pre-selected page settings.

To do this, you need to:

  1. Navigate to the 'Nodes' heading under 'Granular permissions'
  2. Select 'Add'
  3. Select the page you want to set specific permissions for
  4. Toggle on or off the administrative, content and structure permissions you want the user group to have for that page
  5. Select 'Submit'

Add and edit group users

After creating a user permissions group in your Govstack CMS, you can add users to that group to assign them the permissions defined by that group. You can also remove users if they no longer require the group permissions.

Before you can add a user to a group, they need to already be added as a CMS user. Learn how to add a Govstack CMS user before adding them to a user group.

To add a user to an existing user group, you need to:

  1. Navigate to the Govstack CMS from your Govstack dashboard
  2. Select the 'Users' tab from the Govstack main menu
  3. Select the 'Groups' tab next to 'User Management'
  4. Select the name of the group you want to add a user to
  5. Under 'Users', scroll to the bottom of the list of existing users and select 'Add'
  6. Type in the name of the user you want to add to the group
  7. Select the name(s) of the user(s) you want to add, then click 'Submit'

Edit user group permissions

To edit the permissions of a specific user group in your Govstack CMS, you need to:

  1. Navigate to the Govstack CMS from your Govstack dashboard
  2. Select the 'Users' tab from the Govstack main menu
  3. Select the 'Groups' tab next to 'User Management'
  4. Select the name of the user group you want to edit permissions for
  5. Add, edit or remove the permissions you want
  6. Click 'Save' to complete the process

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