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The 'Settings' section in the Global Node lets you control the universal page settings on your website and create and manage reusable content. From customizing universal page content to managing page analytics, the Global Node settings let you standardize page content and functions across your website.

Accessing the Global Node settings

To get to the Global Node settings for your website, navigate to the Global Node in the left navigation tree and select 'Settings' from the menu options. Once here, you can access the different setting tabs at the top of the page.

Global content

Under the 'Global Content' tab, you can control the components that appear on every page of your website. Learn how to customize global content components across your website.

General settings

Under the 'General' tab, you can access the following global website settings.

Next to 'Design style', you can choose which design you'd like to use for all the pages on your website. The design style is pulled from styles that have already been set up in your Design Node.

To choose a design style, select 'Add' and then choose from the list of available design styles. You can also use the search bar provided to search for a specific design style.

To remove a design style and select a different one, select the 'Remove' option next to the existing design style selection.

In the 'Website name' field, enter the name that you would like to appear as the default Meta title of your webpages. It will also be used as the default logo text for your website if a website logo hasn't been added to your design.

With this setting, you can choose the default image that will be used when someone shares a page from your website on social media.

Before you can add a social share image, you need to upload your image to a media folder in the back office of Govstack.

Add a social share image

To add a social share image, you need to:

  1. Select the '+' icon
  2. This will open the 'Media' folder
  3. From here, choose the folder that contains the image you'd like to use. You can also use the search bar provided to look up the image file name
  4. Select the image you'd like to insert
  5. Press the 'Select' button

The 'Twitter site username' setting lets you customize the username used for your website in the twitter card footer.

The 'Override language code reference' setting sets the default language code (an "ISO Code") for all the pages on your website. This helps search engines and browsers understand your page. For websites in English, you will use the ISO code "en". View the ISO Codes for other languages.

The 'Content direction' setting lets you choose how you want content to be laid out on your page. 'LTR' stands for left to right, while 'RTL' stands for right to left. For North American audiences and languages, you would select the 'LTR' option.

The 'Search results page' settings shows the URL address for the page that will display when users are accessing the search function on the website.

If your website has multiple sub domains, you may want to create different search pages. 

The 'Page not found display' setting lets you customize the page that is displayed if the requested URL is not found.


The 'Notification' setting lets you customize the pop-up notification users receive about website cookies. To turn on the cookies pop-up notification, turn on the 'Enable' toggle. Next, you can customize how the notification will look and function.

In the 'Heading' and 'Secondary heading' fields, you can add an optional heading and secondary heading to the pop-up notification. Choose a size for your heading and/or subheading, from S (small), M (medium) or L (large).

In the 'Text' field, add the text that you want the notification to display to users.

In the 'Accept notification button text' field, add the text that you would like to appear on the button the users can click to accept the notification. For example, the button could simply say "Accept".

The 'Remember acceptance duration (days)' field lets you choose how often you want the notification pop-up to reappear to a user once they have already accepted it. Enter the number of days you would like the notification to reappear after.


The 'Analytics' setting lets you change your Google analytics tracking ID and Google tag manage ID. It also allows you to set up a meta pixel for Facebook and Twitter links.


With the 'Scripts' setting, you have the option to add header opening and closing scripts as well as opening and closing body scripts.

Under 'Header opening scripts' you can create scripts that will be placed after the opening <head> tag on every page of your website.

Under 'Header closing scripts' you can create scripts that will be placed before the closing </head> tag on every page of your website

Under 'After opening body scripts' you can create scripts that will be placed after the opening <body> tag on every page of your website.

Under 'Before closing body scripts' you can create scripts that will be placed before the closing </body> tag on every page of your website.


In the 'Advanced' setting tab, you can choose whether users are able to delete the Global Node. To prevent users from being able to delete the Global Node, turn on the 'Disable delete' toggle.

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