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Learning Centre

Member-Only Content

Depending on your Govstack plan, you may have the ability to create password-protected or secure pages.

Govstack lets you create password protected pages that only members in specified member groups can access. Learn how to create member groups and member-only content to hide, protect or direct content to the right users.

Create a member group and add members

Learn how to create a member group that can have exclusive access to certain areas of your website and add members to the group.

You can add members manually or create a registration form to allow members to register themselves.

Create member-only password-protected content

You can create password-protected content in your Govstack CMS that only members in assigned member groups are able to view. You can also set up navigation for member-only content.

Member login and password resetting

Create a login page that permitted members can sign into to view password-protected content on your website.

Learn how to create a password reset and reset request form for members who have forgotten their login passwords.

Error messages for non-member users

Set up an error message page for when a logged-in member tries to view a password-protected page which they have not been given member access to.

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